Well maybe there was no falling in love (maybe with the funnel cakes) but I did spend a good portion of my non-work devoted time this week at the Brown County Fair. Now I know what some of you are thinking, especially those from O'Neill, how could that much time be spent at the fair? Well, there is an incredible amount of support in Aberdeen and the surrounding areas for their county fair. Not only do they have the typical fair things like the 4H exhibits and the rodeo, but they also have food vendors as far as the eye can see, carnival rides, constant entertainment in different tents, musical acts all weekend and many other things. I was lucky enough to use one of my supervisors fair tickets to see Love & Theft and Jake Owen on Friday night so below are some photos from that as well as the rest of my time spent at the fair. One of the coolest things at the fairgrounds is Centennial Village which is this old fashioned village that hosts smaller musical acts and other performers. A lot of time was spent down there, especially for the State Chilli Cook-off on Saturday, which featured one of our VPs cooking for the Chamber of Commerce.

Petticoat Junction at Centennial Village (anyone else remember watching that on TV Land?)
Centennial Village
Barber Shop at Centennial
Some of the rides at the fair!
Walleye On-A-Stick and Deep-Fried Pickles....this is why I love the fair
Love and Theft!!
Mr. Jake Owen :)
Call you later? Ok! Haha....
In the end, if you ever have the chance, check out the Brown County Fair. It was tons of fun, great food, and a good opportunity for me to meet some new and interesting people!