Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I am a G-A-M-M-A Phi Beta Girl!

I know I haven't written much about my sorority experience in Gamma Phi Beta on this blog but if there's two things I should tell you, it's this:

  1. It was by far one of the greatest decisions I made during my collegiate career and truly has helped me become the person I am today, and continues to do so. 
  2. I would not trade my alumna experience to go back to my collegiate days for anything.  
I'm currently serving as a Chapter Advisor for a chapter other than my initiating chapter and it has so far been both a challenge and a blessing.  I've only been at it for a semester but it has already changed me for the better and pushed me way beyond my limits at times.  But maybe that's the only time real change ever happens.  

I haven't written about it up until this point because I could never quite find the words.  Well, now I don't have to!  Jenny, a fellow Chapter Advisor has done so in such a beautiful way that I'm certain my words would pale in comparison.  Read her post below and understand what it truly means to make a lifetime commitment to this organization! 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

And the greatest of these is Love

I am going to be hearing that verse a lot over the next few months. I'm 26. Almost 27 (eek!).  So as you can imagine, I'm right in that sweet spot in life where A LOT of my friends are getting married, and some are even starting families and having babies.  Case in point, this year, between June and the end of the year alone, I have 8 weddings that I have been invited to attend. Only two of these overlap.  I'm exhausted even thinking about it.  And so is my bank account.

Now don't misunderstand, I am so appreciative and excited that all of these friends have asked me to share in their special day with them! But as any other single person (or married person for that matter) can tell you, it gets to be a lot between the bridal showers, bachelorettes, gifts, etc. not to mention if you're actually an attendant in any of them! And furthermore, as someone who isn't married, it can be a little difficult to really get into the celebration when you yourself aren't even close to having this celebration of your own.

I'm only one in for the year - 7 more to go - but I've already decided that this can't be an excuse for a pity party.  Despite where I am in my life, I can be ecstatic for my friends that have found that person to share the rest of their lives with.  And I think I found a way to balance both my excitement for the bridge and groom with the faith that someday I will be in their shoes as well.

Sitting in Bible Study this morning and thinking about all of this, I remembered something my friend Nicole said in her blog before (See Sean and Nicole at the right!).  She mentioned picking a couple a week from their church small group I believe, that she and her husband could pray for.  That got me thinking, why couldn't I do that for those couples this year that I will see tie the knot?  So I've decided that instead of stressing about all of the weddings and what that means for me, I am going to turn my energy to spending a week per couple praying for them and their new marriage and asking that God not only watch over them, but allow them to be an example to those around them of a loving, Christian marriage. I am so thankful for these people in my life that I think it's the very least I could do.

I'm not writing this to say "hey look what I'm doing" or looking for a pat on the back, but truly I want to invite all of you to join me in praying for any couples in your life that are tying the knot during this busy wedding season. Although any of us benefit from prayer at any point in our lives, I think praying for them at this very special time in their lives is especially important.  They are joining their lives together and doing so under quite a bit of pressure considering how much planning and expense today's weddings seem to be accompanied by.  So no matter where you are in your life, think of these special people whose lives are changing before our very eyes this year and ask for God's continued guidance in their marriage and their relationship with Him.


Time for a catch up post!  There is no excuse for having not written in this long, so I won't make one, but I will let you in on what I have been up to lately since I obviously haven't been blogging!

In February I began training for the Lincoln Half Marathon.  It started out slow but I soon got into a rhythm and genuinely enjoying my training runs!  That is until....

Training continued but about the second week in March I came down with an awful cold which then set up shop in my lungs.  As you can imagine, this made running a tad more difficult!  I was out of commission for a good three weeks and had to really work hard to even get back into training even though there was no way I was going to just pick up where I left off.  As a result I probably cut my training short a bit, not getting the long 12 mile run in before the Half but I did get the 10 miler in.

This month was unbelievably busy between wrapping up the semester with the sorority chapter I advise, finishing my training once I was able to, a busy budget season at work, and a multitude of other activities. Before I knew it, May was here and the Half Marathon along with it!

On May 6th I completed my first Half Marathon!  The day started out a little formidable when I woke at 5am to a massive thunderstorm hovering over Lincoln.  Sure enough however, by the time we drove down to the start, it had started to clear and the humidity fell and it actually ended up being an amazing day for the race! I did have to walk a little and didn't get the greatest time but I was delighted to finish!

Mom and I after my 2:47:55 finish!

With my cousin Jamie - one of my many inspirations to run the Lincoln Half - after stuffing ourselves silly post-race at Fireworks

In June I basically fell off the running wagon between various trips, a wedding, house guests and everything else.  I did however get an awesome visit with my sister and her family at our Grandparents in Colorado.  Including my handsome nephew.
I also had the privilege of taking seven of my collegiate members of my sorority chapter here on campus to our national convention in Denver.  It was a phenomenal experience and I am so proud of the women who represented our chapter!

So that brings us to July and a torrent of wedding activity - more on that later! It's so hard to believe that 2012 is half over already - it will be Christmas before we know it - especially since Hobby Lobby already has Christmas decorations out (not kidding!).

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Sometimes it catches me by surprise just how great God is and how flawlessly He teaches His children in everyday moments.

This morning I was both honored and excited to spend some time with my dear friend Amanda and her mother as Amanda tried on her wedding gown for the first time.  I knew it would be a fun appointment and would be very special to her and her mother.  You see, Amanda's mom is battling breast cancer for the second time.  With Amanda's wedding coming up this Summer and Amanda's brother and his wife expecting the first grandchild in May - she's got a lot to fight for! But despite everything she's faced with, she has the most remarkable attitude that I've ever experienced.  Both she and Amanda made the most of today and do exactly that every single day.  I was blessed to witness just a small piece of that today and I left that bridal shop feeling nothing short of convicted.

There are many days that I spend upset, discouraged, angry, for one reason or another and I struggle daily to keep perspective and to stay positive.  And for what reason?  Because I had a bad day?  I'm unsure of a decision I've made? Truly these things are of no consequence in comparison to the challenges that people like Amanda's mom, or those that have lost jobs in the economic downturn, or those in third world countries who only want clean water face each and every day.

So with this newfound perspective, there are a couple realizations I've had.  And maybe they're things you've heard before - I know I have heard some of them before - but I'm beginning to understand them further.

Love more.

Love when it's not deserved, not asked for, and even when it's not returned.  Love anyway.  You and those you love will always be better off if you follow that rule.

It's easy to say if you don't like where you are - change it. But in the world and the economy we live in today, it's not always that easy.  So change it if you can, prayerfully consider it first and if you can't change it now, be grateful that you have been provided the time to gradually get where you need to be.  Not everyone is that lucky.

Today was an important day for Amanda and her mom.  And it was an honor to spend time with them, and even more of an honor to learn from and be inspired by them.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

You are the Cheese to my Gnocchi....

Um, what?  Yes I know, doesn't quite have the same ring as Juno's "You are the Cheese to my Macaroni" but let me tell you, it is quite possibly one of the best things I have ever made and definitely one of the best that I have eaten!

I introduce to you Gnocchi Mac & Cheese!

I first discovered this recipe on Pinterest (LOVE Pinterest!) and then followed the links back to the Noble Pig which is the food blog of Noble Pig Vineyard and Winery.  It has some amazing recipes and I will definitely be visiting this site again!!  

This recipe was actually super easy!  I didn't make my own homemade gnocchi (someday!) but it was still amazing with the store bought kind.  I also omitted the basil because I didn't have any on hand but I'm sure it would add a little extra color.  When I took it out of the oven I could hardly wait to bite into the golden, gooey amazingness  - and let me tell you - I was NOT disappointed!  It was seriously good. I ate this as a meal in itself but I think it would make a great side too!  I had it on a cold and blustery day here in Lincoln and with a yummy Chardonnay that I hope to review soon.  

Here's the recipe! Enjoy and let me know if you try it out!!  

Noble Pig Gnocchi Mac & Cheese (originally from Cuisine at Home)

1 pound purchased or homemade gnocchi
2 Tablespoons butter
2 teaspoons garlic, finely chopped
1 Tablespoon all-purpose flour
3/4 cup milk
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1/4 cup shredded Gruyere cheese
1/4 cup shredded fontina cheese
Salt and white pepper to taste
1/3 cup shredded Parmigiano-Reggiano
Basil leaves for garnish, optional

Preheat oven to 375F.  Prepare gnocchi according to package directions.  Drain and place gnocchi in a single-layer in a 1-1/2 quart shallow baking dish that has been sprayed with nonstick spray.

Melt butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat.  Stir in garlic and cook until fragrant, about 30 seconds.  Whisk in flour until it thickens and bubbles, then whisk in milk and Dijon.  Continue to whisk mixture and cook until slightly thickened, about 3-5 minutes. 

Combine Gruyere and fontina, then add by the handful to milk mixture, stirring until melted before adding the next handful.  Once all cheese is melted, season sauce with salt and pepper.  

Pour sauce over gnocchi and sprinkle with Parmigiano-Reggiano over top.  Bake gnocchi until they puff and cheese is golden and bubbly, about 25 minutes.  let gnocchi rest for 5 minutes before serving.  

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Yesterday you said tomorrow

Well hey there friends.  I don't even know how to begin to apologize for actually taking FOUR months off of blogging (then again maybe nobody actually missed me?? Say it isn't so??!!)

But I am back and have a little something new for you.  A little journey that I hope you all will want to join me on.

You see it's funny, my last post in September was on September 18th and it was about my birthday, which mind you, was August 16th.  But the funny part is that on September 18th I actually did something that I NEVER EVER thought I would do in my lifetime.  That day I ran the Corporate Cup 10K in Omaha for the American Lung Association.  It was my first race and it was amazing not only to run the race and complete it but to see all of my hard work training pay off that day as I crossed the finish line.

So what happened after that?  Well it seems that when there is nothing to train for, I don't always stick with my running routine like I should.  So what does any sane, rational, intelligent person do?

Sign up for the Lincoln Half Marathon of course!!

Yep, that's right, I'm running 13.1 miles on May 6th and to be completely honest, at this point I am terrified.  But I just keep reminding myself that I never thought I would run 6.2 miles at one time and I did that, so now I just have to do that twice and then some...right?  At this point I'm building up my mileage before starting my "official" training program on February 14th - Happy Valentine's Day to me!

So I'm hoping you all will join me on this adventure (I don't mean literally - but by all means, if you'd like my training program, I'd be happy to share it with you).  I'll share the ups and downs of training, lessons learned, and hopefully on May 6th a victory pic of me crossing the finish line at Memorial Stadium!!  There is no better day than today people, so here we go!!

Oh and p.s. - I'm sure there will still be a fair share of wine reviews, restaurant ratings, and cooking challenges that I will share along the way - just with some tough runs and grueling workouts in between!!