I actually know exactly where my hairbrush is. It's on my bathroom counter. Broken.
I recognize that I can easily stop by Target today and buy a new hairbrush for likely less than five dollars even if I'm splurging on the fancy kind. But this is a prime example of how we take simple everyday things for granted.
You see it's not that it was a super special hairbrush or anything, I don't even remember when or where I got it, but I'm fairly certain that I've been using the same hairbrush for the better part of 10 years without fail. So when the head of said hairbrush decided to detach itself from the handle mid blow dry you can understand the brief moment of panic and despair that I felt when my good and faithful companion of more than a decade was rendered useless in my hands!
Now I'm sure you're sitting there thinking, Amy, get it together, it's an inanimate object to which you should have zero emotional attachment. You're probably also wondering why you read this inane blog where some woman is droning on and on about a broken hairbrush. Both are reasonable thoughts to be having at this point.
Long story short (too late) I somehow drew a connection this morning between my silly, broken hairbrush and all of the really important things in our lives like family and friends, and health and safety, that we take equally for granted each day. Somehow I have to believe that this was one of those God moments when He uses seemingly insignificant things to make a much more significant change in our hearts.
So I'll leave you with that thought and point you in the direction of Larry the Cucumber of Veggie Tales, who also knows what it's like to have an all-too-strong attachment to one's hairbrush (at least I actually HAVE hair).
90s Sunday School Kids Rejoice!
Monday, January 26, 2015
Monday, January 12, 2015
Traffic Lights and Tendus
Tonight I attended a Junior League meeting at the Center for People in Need in North Lincoln. We heard not only from the Center but also from the UNL Public Policy Center about the Lincoln Vital Signs Report which indicates that many parts of Lincoln have not yet recovered from the recession experienced in 2008. Most strikingly, we learned that on any given day in Lincoln 1,000 children are living below the poverty line.
As I was driving home I stopped at a stoplight at 27th and O Street like I have many other times. I happened to be at the front of the pack this time however and as I waited for the lights to cycle through, I was struck by something. Looking across O Street to the right, next to a store with its lights dimmed, a dozen or so children were following an instructor in a brightly lit room as he led them through a martial arts sequence. As I looked then to my left across the street, on the second floor of a neighboring building, little girls stretched and turned next to the barre in a ballet class.
As I watched the hi-yas and the arabesques (and meanwhile nearly missed my green light) it struck me that it was 8:30 at night and these children were still working hard at their respective passions and interests. It's children like these and still others that aren't fortunate enough to have the opportunity to pursue these passions that need our support and encouragement.
I don't know why the timing worked out tonight the way that it did, but I do know that I've never learned so much at a red light before. And as I went home to work on curriculum for our partnership with the Lighthouse after school program, I encountered a renewed sense of purpose in my task.
As I was driving home I stopped at a stoplight at 27th and O Street like I have many other times. I happened to be at the front of the pack this time however and as I waited for the lights to cycle through, I was struck by something. Looking across O Street to the right, next to a store with its lights dimmed, a dozen or so children were following an instructor in a brightly lit room as he led them through a martial arts sequence. As I looked then to my left across the street, on the second floor of a neighboring building, little girls stretched and turned next to the barre in a ballet class.
As I watched the hi-yas and the arabesques (and meanwhile nearly missed my green light) it struck me that it was 8:30 at night and these children were still working hard at their respective passions and interests. It's children like these and still others that aren't fortunate enough to have the opportunity to pursue these passions that need our support and encouragement.
I don't know why the timing worked out tonight the way that it did, but I do know that I've never learned so much at a red light before. And as I went home to work on curriculum for our partnership with the Lighthouse after school program, I encountered a renewed sense of purpose in my task.
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Be it Resolved
Well hello 2015!! What a fun little nugget of a year you will be!
Sometimes it seems strange to think that any one year could be much different from any other but then there are those years in our lives where big things happen and we will forever remember that year. - for better or worse. Sometimes we have no idea what kind of a year it will be, and other times we know from 12:01am on January 1st that it will be a grand year indeed!
2015 is the latter. Two of my best friends are getting married this summer so already that means big things for the next twelve months. Also in exactly 7 months and 15 days I will hit a rather large milestone in my earthly existence. But we're not going to talk about that just yet (let me ease into it will ya?)
So as it is tradition and I tend to be a somewhat traditional gal, resolutions need to be made for this epic year of 2015. And while an epic year might warrant epic resolutions I fear that those things that initially crossed my mind are nowhere near epic. In fact they are really quite simple. But perhaps it's the many simple things we do in our lives that add up to one epic year. Also I firmly believe there are no suitable synonyms for the word epic.
Resolution #1
Be Creative
This year I want to do my best to find a creative outlet for myself. My work is very analytical and data-heavy, and while I'm good at that, I'd like to think I also have a creative side that needs flexed now and again. So whether that is writing, blogging more (*ahem*), crafting, finally finishing the quilt I've been working on for a year, or throwing more parties, it's important that I engage that part of my brain on a regular basis this year.
Tactics: (Because I'm a strategy person and every goal needs tactics)
Stay tuned for bridal shower and bachelorette plans for the BFF and bestie and a little idea I'm throwing around for a Kentucky Derby fete. Oh and a super secret (a.k.a. I've already told more than five people) theme for that big b-day that is fast approaching.
Resolution #2
Eat Better
I know what you're thinking, yeah, yeah, everyone has this one. But I'm not just talking about eating healthier. In fact I don't mean that necessarily at all. I want to eat better as in I want to cook more and make frozen dinners and boxed meals less. If I'm going to eat the calories it should at least be something that I put together or followed a new recipe for. Yet another way to find my creative outlet too!
Tactics: Obviously - trying new recipes. Guinea pigs wanted for taste testing.
Resolution #3
Stay in Touch
I am notoriously bad at this one. Every year I say I'm going to call friends and family more and write more letters and notes and every year I fail miserably. I'm an introvert for certain so talking on the phone is not something I get too excited about even if it's with someone I know and love. But I'm keeping it on the list because small things like this could be just the ticket to really shaping up an epic 2015.
Tactics: Make at least one phone call just to catch up per week.
Resolution #4
Love myself first, so I can love others more
That might sound strange or maybe even a little self-serving but follow me on this one. One thing I've learned in 2014 is that no one else can love you for YOU if you don't love you for YOU. And I mean the you that God the Father created in His image, ever-flawed as we may be, you know the one that you never think is worthy or that you are constantly criticizing with the negative self talk. (Yes I'm somewhat talking to myself at this point). Stop it. I'm going to find ways to show love to myself whether that is going to the gym even when I don't feel like it, getting a pedicure on a random Tuesday, spending more time with my dog, or gosh darn it saying no to things when I'm already too busy or quite frankly, I just don't want to. Our mental and spiritual health is just as important as our physical health friends, if not even more!
Tactics: Evaluate all of the things I've committed myself to and see if there's anything that needs to go or where God is calling me in a different direction. Oh and get my behind to the gym - already making good progress here.
Resolution #5
Love Does.
I'll be honest. I only had four resolutions, however five just seems much more complete doesn't it? And then I remembered that I'm re-reading Bob Goff's Love Does and realized that if #4 is achievable then #5 should be an easy follow-up. Maybe not easy, but a natural progression. In 2015, amidst the busyness of everything else, I want to take the time to look beyond myself and find ways to pass that love I've found on to others. Whether that is friends, family, coworkers, or complete strangers in my community. Those opportunities are right in front of each of us every day.
Tactics: Practice makes perfect. Reach out whenever possible.
Before this starts sounding like a self-help book I'll draw it to a conclusion. I hope those of you who are making resolutions this year are excited to get after them and I'll be praying for you that you're successful and I hope you'll do the same for me. For those of you that don't make them - and by all means, you don't have to - I hope it's because you didn't wait for the first day of a new year to start living your life as God intended, constantly walking in His love and sharing it with others. My admiration for your gumption is never-ending - Heaven knows I needed the January 1st push to make these changes.
A very blessed (and epic) 2015 to all of you!
Sometimes it seems strange to think that any one year could be much different from any other but then there are those years in our lives where big things happen and we will forever remember that year. - for better or worse. Sometimes we have no idea what kind of a year it will be, and other times we know from 12:01am on January 1st that it will be a grand year indeed!
2015 is the latter. Two of my best friends are getting married this summer so already that means big things for the next twelve months. Also in exactly 7 months and 15 days I will hit a rather large milestone in my earthly existence. But we're not going to talk about that just yet (let me ease into it will ya?)
So as it is tradition and I tend to be a somewhat traditional gal, resolutions need to be made for this epic year of 2015. And while an epic year might warrant epic resolutions I fear that those things that initially crossed my mind are nowhere near epic. In fact they are really quite simple. But perhaps it's the many simple things we do in our lives that add up to one epic year. Also I firmly believe there are no suitable synonyms for the word epic.
Resolution #1
Be Creative

Tactics: (Because I'm a strategy person and every goal needs tactics)
Stay tuned for bridal shower and bachelorette plans for the BFF and bestie and a little idea I'm throwing around for a Kentucky Derby fete. Oh and a super secret (a.k.a. I've already told more than five people) theme for that big b-day that is fast approaching.
Resolution #2
Eat Better
I know what you're thinking, yeah, yeah, everyone has this one. But I'm not just talking about eating healthier. In fact I don't mean that necessarily at all. I want to eat better as in I want to cook more and make frozen dinners and boxed meals less. If I'm going to eat the calories it should at least be something that I put together or followed a new recipe for. Yet another way to find my creative outlet too!
Tactics: Obviously - trying new recipes. Guinea pigs wanted for taste testing.
Resolution #3
Stay in Touch
I am notoriously bad at this one. Every year I say I'm going to call friends and family more and write more letters and notes and every year I fail miserably. I'm an introvert for certain so talking on the phone is not something I get too excited about even if it's with someone I know and love. But I'm keeping it on the list because small things like this could be just the ticket to really shaping up an epic 2015.
Tactics: Make at least one phone call just to catch up per week.
Resolution #4
Love myself first, so I can love others more

Tactics: Evaluate all of the things I've committed myself to and see if there's anything that needs to go or where God is calling me in a different direction. Oh and get my behind to the gym - already making good progress here.
Resolution #5
Love Does.
I'll be honest. I only had four resolutions, however five just seems much more complete doesn't it? And then I remembered that I'm re-reading Bob Goff's Love Does and realized that if #4 is achievable then #5 should be an easy follow-up. Maybe not easy, but a natural progression. In 2015, amidst the busyness of everything else, I want to take the time to look beyond myself and find ways to pass that love I've found on to others. Whether that is friends, family, coworkers, or complete strangers in my community. Those opportunities are right in front of each of us every day.
Tactics: Practice makes perfect. Reach out whenever possible.
Before this starts sounding like a self-help book I'll draw it to a conclusion. I hope those of you who are making resolutions this year are excited to get after them and I'll be praying for you that you're successful and I hope you'll do the same for me. For those of you that don't make them - and by all means, you don't have to - I hope it's because you didn't wait for the first day of a new year to start living your life as God intended, constantly walking in His love and sharing it with others. My admiration for your gumption is never-ending - Heaven knows I needed the January 1st push to make these changes.
A very blessed (and epic) 2015 to all of you!
Monday, February 3, 2014
Hello readers!
(Let's be honest - Hi Mom and a handful of really bored people!)
So if you haven't heard, I bought a house! Just about 10 days ago, I signed my name a couple dozen times and received the keys to my very own home. I still have a hard time believing it and may have turned down the wrong street to go home to my apartment a time or two. It truly is a surreal experience but one that I am really enjoying. I'm sure it will add to the hijinx I can share here on the blog as I will be the first to admit that there will numerous occasions that I will have no idea what I'm doing with this homeowner thing.
So in honor of the 10 days that I have been a homeowner, I thought I would share the Top Ten things that I have learned so far as a new homeowner.
1) House neighbors are about as awesome as apartment neighbors are terrible. The couple next door baked me cookies, the neighbor lady on the other side cleared my sidewalk the first day it snowed (more on that later) and thanks to social media I found out that an old friend from college lives three houses down on the same street with her husband and new baby. God is good, let me tell you.
2) Speaking of social media, holy cow, I mean I know "life events" get a lot of Likes but I never knew that a picture of a key could garner so much interest. And it was posting a picture of myself in front of the new digs that sparked the above mentioned old friend/neighbor to message me and ask if it happened to be the house on her street that was just for sale! Say what you want about Facebook, but that was cool.
3) Speaking of awesome people, I have awesome friends. Just like top notch (I knew this already but hear me out). Between saving boxes and packing material to helping me move or paint or just entertaining me while I was packing or brining food by after I moved in. I have the greatest bunch of friends and coworkers anyone could ever ask for and don't even get me started in how much work my mother put in helping me move in and get my house ready! This girl is blessed for certain.
4) Movers are not always right. Like when they tell you that your old couch won't fit down the stairs at your new house. False. When you have good family friends who are willing to lend a hand, the know-how to take the railing off and bring the couch in the sliding door, you can pretty much do anything! So there, movers.
5) Target is even more dangerous as a homeowner. So very tempting all the time.
6) Sometimes a light switch will do nothing, sometimes it will not make any sense why it is all the way across the room, and sometimes the light switch will control the only outlet in the room. Even if that room is the bathroom.
7) Scooping snow is a great workout, even if it's just two inches of light and fluffy stuff. And while it seems fun, talk to me after tomorrow when we're supposedly getting up to 8 inches of snow while I'm at work…..
8) Being in possession of a fenced-in backyard makes you an excellent candidate for dog sitting, not to mention everyone will think you need to immediately get a dog of your own. Baby steps friends, baby steps.
9) As a new homeowner you will get way excited about weird things, like putting your garbage at the curb for the first time, or looking at paint samples, or shopping for rugs, or just having a doorbell. A DOORBELL!!!
10) Change. Change becomes the word of the day, week, year! Besides the obvious huge change of owning a home, things are constantly changing. Home chores become important, where you want to put things changes everyday, and your perspective on money and time and so many other things changes. But oh my goodness is it exciting!
So there you have it! 10 things I've learned, but I'm sure there will be many, MANY more lessons to follow! Stay tuned! Until then, I can't wait to see how God uses this blessing of a roof over my head to reach others. I can't wait to welcome friends and family into my home and fill it with love and joy!
(Let's be honest - Hi Mom and a handful of really bored people!)
So if you haven't heard, I bought a house! Just about 10 days ago, I signed my name a couple dozen times and received the keys to my very own home. I still have a hard time believing it and may have turned down the wrong street to go home to my apartment a time or two. It truly is a surreal experience but one that I am really enjoying. I'm sure it will add to the hijinx I can share here on the blog as I will be the first to admit that there will numerous occasions that I will have no idea what I'm doing with this homeowner thing.
So in honor of the 10 days that I have been a homeowner, I thought I would share the Top Ten things that I have learned so far as a new homeowner.
1) House neighbors are about as awesome as apartment neighbors are terrible. The couple next door baked me cookies, the neighbor lady on the other side cleared my sidewalk the first day it snowed (more on that later) and thanks to social media I found out that an old friend from college lives three houses down on the same street with her husband and new baby. God is good, let me tell you.
2) Speaking of social media, holy cow, I mean I know "life events" get a lot of Likes but I never knew that a picture of a key could garner so much interest. And it was posting a picture of myself in front of the new digs that sparked the above mentioned old friend/neighbor to message me and ask if it happened to be the house on her street that was just for sale! Say what you want about Facebook, but that was cool.
3) Speaking of awesome people, I have awesome friends. Just like top notch (I knew this already but hear me out). Between saving boxes and packing material to helping me move or paint or just entertaining me while I was packing or brining food by after I moved in. I have the greatest bunch of friends and coworkers anyone could ever ask for and don't even get me started in how much work my mother put in helping me move in and get my house ready! This girl is blessed for certain.
4) Movers are not always right. Like when they tell you that your old couch won't fit down the stairs at your new house. False. When you have good family friends who are willing to lend a hand, the know-how to take the railing off and bring the couch in the sliding door, you can pretty much do anything! So there, movers.
5) Target is even more dangerous as a homeowner. So very tempting all the time.
6) Sometimes a light switch will do nothing, sometimes it will not make any sense why it is all the way across the room, and sometimes the light switch will control the only outlet in the room. Even if that room is the bathroom.
7) Scooping snow is a great workout, even if it's just two inches of light and fluffy stuff. And while it seems fun, talk to me after tomorrow when we're supposedly getting up to 8 inches of snow while I'm at work…..
8) Being in possession of a fenced-in backyard makes you an excellent candidate for dog sitting, not to mention everyone will think you need to immediately get a dog of your own. Baby steps friends, baby steps.
9) As a new homeowner you will get way excited about weird things, like putting your garbage at the curb for the first time, or looking at paint samples, or shopping for rugs, or just having a doorbell. A DOORBELL!!!
10) Change. Change becomes the word of the day, week, year! Besides the obvious huge change of owning a home, things are constantly changing. Home chores become important, where you want to put things changes everyday, and your perspective on money and time and so many other things changes. But oh my goodness is it exciting!
So there you have it! 10 things I've learned, but I'm sure there will be many, MANY more lessons to follow! Stay tuned! Until then, I can't wait to see how God uses this blessing of a roof over my head to reach others. I can't wait to welcome friends and family into my home and fill it with love and joy!
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Let every heart, prepare Him room...
December 11th and a very happy birthday to my sweet little nephew who is turning TWO today!
I'm sure all of you are preparing for the holidays just like me and everyone else we know...
It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season - I am just as guilty - with so much going on it's hard to even fit everything in! I've heard that from so many more people this year too - perhaps because Thanksgiving fell so late in November. Everyone seems just that much more in a rush to finish their shopping and plan their parties and send out Christmas cards, and get the decorations up.
Maybe that's why I have found myself meditating more lately on the line from 'Joy to the World' that titles this post:
Prepare - we certainly spend the month of December preparing for this, that, and the other thing don't we? I could go on and on about how much I prepare for, well, everything in my life (we'll address my OCD planning issues later...) and the Christmas season is no different.
As I really reflect on that verse however, I find myself a little convicted. I mean on one hand, I'm TOTALLY prepared - my shopping is done, gifts are ready to be wrapped and shipped, my cards are in the mail, my decorations have been up since the weekend after Thanksgiving. I'm FULLY prepared for the holiday season aren't I?
On the other hand, have I really prepared my heart, prepared room in it for Him, for the newborn Savior? After all, that's what the Advent season is all about. A somber time for reflection and preparation for the coming of the King. Somber....yeah...I think we can all admit this time of year tends to be anything but somber.
So Christmas is just two weeks away, and tonight as I sat in my church's Wednesday night Advent service, I listened to our pastor talk about Zechariah and how he was dwelling in God and His Word even as his wife Elizabeth was pregnant and subsequently gave birth to a child that she was never supposed to be able to have. Despite the momentous things around him, despite all the hustle and bustle, he found his quiet place and time to give glory to God and to really tune into what God's purpose was for him and for this new child who would soon be known as John the Baptist, and for all of the other things happening around him.
What a beautiful lesson for all of us as we countdown the next 14 days! How can we prepare Him room? How can we dwell in the true meaning of the blessings He has given and what He means for us to do with them to serve others? I hope to focus more on this idea in the next two weeks and I hope you will find a quiet place and time do so with me!
I'm sure all of you are preparing for the holidays just like me and everyone else we know...
Checking the lights...
Finding the perfect gifts....
and eating way more food at every holiday party, cookie exchange, and potluck than should even be humanly acceptable.
It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season - I am just as guilty - with so much going on it's hard to even fit everything in! I've heard that from so many more people this year too - perhaps because Thanksgiving fell so late in November. Everyone seems just that much more in a rush to finish their shopping and plan their parties and send out Christmas cards, and get the decorations up.
Maybe that's why I have found myself meditating more lately on the line from 'Joy to the World' that titles this post:
"Let every heart, prepare Him room..."
Prepare - we certainly spend the month of December preparing for this, that, and the other thing don't we? I could go on and on about how much I prepare for, well, everything in my life (we'll address my OCD planning issues later...) and the Christmas season is no different.
As I really reflect on that verse however, I find myself a little convicted. I mean on one hand, I'm TOTALLY prepared - my shopping is done, gifts are ready to be wrapped and shipped, my cards are in the mail, my decorations have been up since the weekend after Thanksgiving. I'm FULLY prepared for the holiday season aren't I?
On the other hand, have I really prepared my heart, prepared room in it for Him, for the newborn Savior? After all, that's what the Advent season is all about. A somber time for reflection and preparation for the coming of the King. Somber....yeah...I think we can all admit this time of year tends to be anything but somber.
So Christmas is just two weeks away, and tonight as I sat in my church's Wednesday night Advent service, I listened to our pastor talk about Zechariah and how he was dwelling in God and His Word even as his wife Elizabeth was pregnant and subsequently gave birth to a child that she was never supposed to be able to have. Despite the momentous things around him, despite all the hustle and bustle, he found his quiet place and time to give glory to God and to really tune into what God's purpose was for him and for this new child who would soon be known as John the Baptist, and for all of the other things happening around him.
What a beautiful lesson for all of us as we countdown the next 14 days! How can we prepare Him room? How can we dwell in the true meaning of the blessings He has given and what He means for us to do with them to serve others? I hope to focus more on this idea in the next two weeks and I hope you will find a quiet place and time do so with me!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
November Unraveled
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via Pinterest |
Even though I definitely struggled through the month of October, and didn't follow every rule as it should be, there are several things that I've picked up on that I think will continue even though I was a little unraveled in November.
- Whole Wheat Pasta - I used to hate this pasta, I thought it was grainy and had to cook way longer and just didn't taste the same. There definitely is a different taste to it but I've found actually the best brand as far as comparability to regular pasta is Hy-Vee's whole wheat pastas! They are quite good. I really enjoyed using whole wheat spaghetti in my favorite baked spaghetti recipe. It made it seem that much more hearty and filling.
- Healthy snacking - while an occasional cookie or scotcheroo from the cafe at work may find it's way to my desk, I have gotten a lot better about healthy snacking, especially unprocessed things like carrots, apples, hummus, etc.
- Grocery shopping - As I said before, this was so eye-opening. I've found some new products that i love and will continue to seek out, and I've learned that when you're eating all of these fresh things, you really can't go two weeks without going to the grocery store. You have to maintain a balanced pantry and be willing to stop by the store for what fresh ingredients you might need.
All in all it was a good experience, even if I didn't follow it as closely as I had intended. I hope my friends who tried it had a pleasant experience with it and have learned a thing or two they can put into daily practice.
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via Pinterest |
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Supermarket Sweep
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Image via Google |
That's kind of how it felt yesterday when I went to the grocery store for my first unprocessed grocery buying experience. Not that I was in a hurry (and good thing, it took me forever!) but that I found myself carefully inspecting anything that came in a box or container to make sure it indeed qualified as unprocessed.
How can you be sure it's unprocessed? Some things are easy - fruits, veggies - obviously unprocessed. So does that mean everything that is packaged is processed? Well Andrew over at Eating Rules, who created October Unprocessed, uses the kitchen test for these items. If a reasonable person (like yourself) could reasonably create the product in their own home given they had the ingredients, then yes, it passes and is considered unprocessed. A good rule of thumb is - if you can't pronounce it, it shouldn't be going in your body.
I started my trip at Trader Joe's to get a few things that I knew they had that Hy-Vee wouldn't have. For instance, Trader Joe's homemade 100% Whole Wheat Tortillas. Made fresh and from what I've heard, are delicious! I'm going to try to use them in my favorite Sour Cream White Chicken Enchilada recipe. Speaking of which - sour cream. Soooo processed - but delicious. Argh. BUT never fear because TJ's again doesn't let us down and has a Simply Sour Cream product that doesn't have any artificial flavors, ingredients, or stabilizers. Just sour cream. Of course, one could argue that sour cream HAS to be pasteurized so therefore is processed, but we're not aiming for perfection here friends, the name of the game is awareness. Side note: I did pick up one "cheat item" at Trader Joe's - Cookie Butter. Yum. But definitely processed. It is however somewhat more natural than most store bought peanut butters by looking at the ingredients (potential bias). What can I say, we all have our vices - at least it's not ice cream (more on that later)?! I picked up a few other things at TJ's including some yummy pumpkin spice coffee without artificial flavors and got out of there only spending around $24.00.
My next stop was Hy-Vee. I love Hy-Vee I do, I really really do. Add to that the Fuel Saver card and life is good. But I digress. At Hy-Vee I purchased all of my produce which proved to be the fastest and easiest part of the errand. Lots of fruit for breakfast and snacks and veggies which I made into the Southwestern Chopped Salad that I mentioned in an earlier post (review to come - it's for lunch today!). Once that was done my focus was on snacks, and trying to take two of my favorite recipes and turn them into unprocessed recipes. I did a lot of reading, and most of the time I was pleasantly surprised by how natural some things are. I struggled though when it came to finding the green chiles for my Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas. Who knew one little tiny can could be so complicated! But pretty much every can contained a little thing called calcium chloride (here used as a preservative - also used to melt ice on roadways...not kidding). So after examining EVERY can of green chiles that Hy-Vee had to offer I finally just picked one that didn't have any other weird preservatives in it and chalked it up to it being a very teeny sacrifice. It also contains citric acid, but as others on this challenge have pointed out to me, you CAN actually by that powdered for canning and whatnot so technically it passes the kitchen test. Fair enough.
In the end I spent about $75 at Hy-Vee and walked away with at least a couple weeks of meals and snacks for a grand total of $100. Not bad. I did learn however that it is hard to buy in advance since you are using so many fresh ingredients! Hence why the chopped salad was prepared immediately!
So there you have it, my first unprocessed grocery experience. I know some of you may be asking - but how is it going otherwise? I have to say - not too shabby! I've managed to stay on track, even with going out for lunch with a coworker once and having to carefully pick what I would order. I'm ecstatic to have pumpkin spice coffee that is unprocessed (I've been substituting my favorite Stash Double Bergamot Earl Grey Tea for the last two days). And I've been feeling really good! I don't have the sugar highs and lows that I had before when I would snack on candy or grab a cookie after lunch, which is awesome. The only tough times have been walking through the lobby at work and smelling the cookies baking at the cafe and hearing my friends talk about eating ice cream. Oh how I miss ice cream. I do want to do some investigating and see if there are any unprocessed type ice creams out there. But at least for October I'm going to leave well enough alone and try and kick that habit. Not that I am going to try and never eat ice cream again - because we all know that without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos. And we just can't have that.
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Image via Pinterest/Etsy |
Happies of the Week (because I forgot these the other day):
FaceTime with my new nephew (with some help from his mom & dad)
Honeycrisp apples (with or without cookie butter)
More energy = more productivity at work and home
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