Sometimes it seems strange to think that any one year could be much different from any other but then there are those years in our lives where big things happen and we will forever remember that year. - for better or worse. Sometimes we have no idea what kind of a year it will be, and other times we know from 12:01am on January 1st that it will be a grand year indeed!
2015 is the latter. Two of my best friends are getting married this summer so already that means big things for the next twelve months. Also in exactly 7 months and 15 days I will hit a rather large milestone in my earthly existence. But we're not going to talk about that just yet (let me ease into it will ya?)
So as it is tradition and I tend to be a somewhat traditional gal, resolutions need to be made for this epic year of 2015. And while an epic year might warrant epic resolutions I fear that those things that initially crossed my mind are nowhere near epic. In fact they are really quite simple. But perhaps it's the many simple things we do in our lives that add up to one epic year. Also I firmly believe there are no suitable synonyms for the word epic.
Resolution #1
Be Creative

Tactics: (Because I'm a strategy person and every goal needs tactics)
Stay tuned for bridal shower and bachelorette plans for the BFF and bestie and a little idea I'm throwing around for a Kentucky Derby fete. Oh and a super secret (a.k.a. I've already told more than five people) theme for that big b-day that is fast approaching.
Resolution #2
Eat Better
I know what you're thinking, yeah, yeah, everyone has this one. But I'm not just talking about eating healthier. In fact I don't mean that necessarily at all. I want to eat better as in I want to cook more and make frozen dinners and boxed meals less. If I'm going to eat the calories it should at least be something that I put together or followed a new recipe for. Yet another way to find my creative outlet too!
Tactics: Obviously - trying new recipes. Guinea pigs wanted for taste testing.
Resolution #3
Stay in Touch
I am notoriously bad at this one. Every year I say I'm going to call friends and family more and write more letters and notes and every year I fail miserably. I'm an introvert for certain so talking on the phone is not something I get too excited about even if it's with someone I know and love. But I'm keeping it on the list because small things like this could be just the ticket to really shaping up an epic 2015.
Tactics: Make at least one phone call just to catch up per week.
Resolution #4
Love myself first, so I can love others more

Tactics: Evaluate all of the things I've committed myself to and see if there's anything that needs to go or where God is calling me in a different direction. Oh and get my behind to the gym - already making good progress here.
Resolution #5
Love Does.
I'll be honest. I only had four resolutions, however five just seems much more complete doesn't it? And then I remembered that I'm re-reading Bob Goff's Love Does and realized that if #4 is achievable then #5 should be an easy follow-up. Maybe not easy, but a natural progression. In 2015, amidst the busyness of everything else, I want to take the time to look beyond myself and find ways to pass that love I've found on to others. Whether that is friends, family, coworkers, or complete strangers in my community. Those opportunities are right in front of each of us every day.
Tactics: Practice makes perfect. Reach out whenever possible.
Before this starts sounding like a self-help book I'll draw it to a conclusion. I hope those of you who are making resolutions this year are excited to get after them and I'll be praying for you that you're successful and I hope you'll do the same for me. For those of you that don't make them - and by all means, you don't have to - I hope it's because you didn't wait for the first day of a new year to start living your life as God intended, constantly walking in His love and sharing it with others. My admiration for your gumption is never-ending - Heaven knows I needed the January 1st push to make these changes.
A very blessed (and epic) 2015 to all of you!
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