Two weekends ago I took a little adventure outside of Aberdeen. A three hour drive to Sioux Falls, a 45 minute flight to Minneapolis, and another hour flight to Midway Airport and I got to spend some time in one of my favorite cities with some of my favorite people! I spent that weekend in Chicago staying with my very best friend from grad school Michelle, who now works there, and my sister Kristin and her husband Will who were there to run the Bank of America Chicago Marathon.

Michelle and I spent Friday night when I arrived catching up, and laughing our heads off. Saturday we met Kristin and Will in the city for lunch at Xoco (which was AH-mazing and worth the 45 minute wait in line to order) and did some shopping on Michigan (again AH-mazing). Then after some R&R at Kristin and Will's hotel, we headed to Carmine's for fantastic Italian and so the runners could carb-load for the marathon the next morning. It was packed with people doing the exact same thing but it was so good!!

The next day the runners took off at 7:30am and Michelle and I were able to see them about halfway through and then again at the finish from the Bank of America customer bleachers. When we met them at the reunite area they were exhausted and hot (it was an unusual 85 degrees in Chicago by the time they finished). But they did an awesome job and we couldn't be more proud of them! It was Will's first and they ran it together at the same pace so it was pretty impressive for them to run the whole thing together! Congrats you guys!
Silly can't be THAT hungry after the marathon!
So proud of them!
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