Tuesday, April 19, 2011

LOVE at First Sight

"Here's to the corkscrew - useful key to unlock the storehouse of wit, the treasury of laughter, the front door of fellowship, and the gate of pleasant folly." - W.E.P. French 

Hey there friends! As promised I'm hoping to share some of my "loves" with you! And I feel perhaps I need preface this post with the reassurance that I don't overindulge, and I am very responsible when it comes to this love but....

I do LOVE my vino!!

So, in honor of that affection, from time to time I'll share some wine reviews with you!  Keep in mind, in my opinion, wine is very subjective.  My sister is a bit of a wine lover as well (I learned at the feet of the master) but we don't always see eye to eye on what wine we enjoy.

This past Friday was the culmination of my first week on the new job so in celebration of that I cooked my first big meal in my apartment and picked up a bottle of wine.  Unfortunately the meal didn't turn out so hot, so even better that I had the wine!  :)

One of my favorite wines of all time is the Francis Ford Coppola Director's Cut Cabernet Sauvignon from 2008.  I'm usually a white wine drinker, but this rich, red wine is still my go-to for special occaisons.  However, as you can expect, moving is rather expensive and so my budget has been a little tighter as of late, so when faced with the $35 price tag for Director's Cut (modest really for most wines) I was a bit hesitant.  So as I perused the wine aisle at Hy-Vee, what to my wondering eyes did appear but a wine which at first glance was another Director's Cut??

Turns out, the wine, also a Cabernet Sauvignon from Francis Ford Coppola, is called Director's and is from 2007.  AND it was only $18.00 a bottle!  What's not to love?  Surely it was love at first sight!

Despite the dinner being a bit lackluster (fingers crossed that the next recipe I hope to put up here turns out!) the wine was wonderful.  Rich, just like my fave, but a bit spicy and with hints of blackberry.  The bottle mentioned a couple different berries, but I for the most part noticed the blackberry.

So if you're on the hunt for a great red wine, at a reasonable price, I highly recommend the Coppola Director's!

I'll be baking dessert this week for our family Easter dinner on Sunday so stay tuned for one of my favorite sweet treats!!  

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