Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Amazing Race Aberdeen: Roadblock!!

U-Haul picked up & packed, apartment cleaned, utilities and mail stopped, and then.....Roadblock!

For those of you that know me pretty well, it's no secret that I'm a big fan of the CBS show Amazing Race.   Sometimes on the show to make the race more interesting, contestants will be challenged with a Roadblock which is a task or obstacle they must overcome before they can proceed.  Well, I'm afraid to say, our team (Mom and I) ran into a significant roadblock today.  The construction on my apartment was delayed again, forcing our move-in date to July 8 or 9 and my start day for work to July 12.  I'm pretty bummed to have to put off work again, but we will still move all of my stuff up to Aberdeen tomorrow and put it in a storage area of some sort and I'll return to O'Neill for a few days until we are given the go ahead to move stuff in.   Although I may not have handled it as gracefully as I would have liked, I think we will overcome this Roadblock in one way or another.  Thankfully everyone at my job has been very understanding and so helpful throughout this process too!

Hopefully the next time I post I will have GOOD news!!  :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Aberdeen Fun Fact #1

So for something fun I figured I would throw out an Aberdeen Fun Fact every once and a while, and this is the first one!!  Although it would probably be more appropriate if it were #8......

Aberdeen, South Dakota is the birthplace of hotel franchise Super 8!  
Super 8 was founded in 1972 by Dennis Brown and Ron Rivett as a hotel referral system, which was later replaced by a franchise in 1973.  The original room rate was $8.88 - giving the franchise its famous name.  The first motel was opened in 1974 in Aberdeen, South Dakota and boasts 60 rooms.  This motel still operates today as the Aberdeen Super 8 East (one of many in Aberdeen alone).  Super 8 was acquired by Wyndham Hotel Group in 1993 and has expanded to more than 2,000 properties across the world.

Why you may ask is this of any interest??  Well, with moving day right around the corner and a full day's drive between Columbia and Aberdeen, there is a good chance my mom and I will be staying at the original Super 8 when we arrive since it will likely be too late to get into my apartment.

The plan is to pack up Monday and Tuesday, drive the almost 12-hour drive on Wednesday and move everything in on Thursday, July 1 barring any complications!!  Say your prayers that everything goes smoothly and I will be sure to keep you posted as to the shenanigans that will inevitably ensue.