Sunday, March 27, 2011


Hi friends,

I know what you're thinking, this girl is incapable of keeping her resolution of blogging more often.  And while that does appear to be true, I think I owe you an explanation.  Not an excuse, an explanation!! I think you'll understand when you hear me out.

I've been a bit preoccupied lately because I was actually in the process of applying for a new job.  I think I've mentioned that my current position was for only a year.  It was supposed to be up in July but the right opportunity came along in Lincoln, Nebraska and I went for it!!  So unfortunately, my Adventures in Aberdeen will be coming to an end.  But never fear, I do plan to continue blogging.  I'm just not entirely sure about what yet!  Lincoln I'm sure is full of adventure but I would love to include some food blogging both from cooking and from going out to eat and indulging my foodie side.

Of course this also means the blog will need to be renamed!! If there are any great ideas for blog names or content, leave a comment!  I'd love to expand my horizons!

Thank you for your understanding through this transition and all thoughts and prayers are appreciated as this new adventure begins!