Sunday, July 8, 2012


Time for a catch up post!  There is no excuse for having not written in this long, so I won't make one, but I will let you in on what I have been up to lately since I obviously haven't been blogging!

In February I began training for the Lincoln Half Marathon.  It started out slow but I soon got into a rhythm and genuinely enjoying my training runs!  That is until....

Training continued but about the second week in March I came down with an awful cold which then set up shop in my lungs.  As you can imagine, this made running a tad more difficult!  I was out of commission for a good three weeks and had to really work hard to even get back into training even though there was no way I was going to just pick up where I left off.  As a result I probably cut my training short a bit, not getting the long 12 mile run in before the Half but I did get the 10 miler in.

This month was unbelievably busy between wrapping up the semester with the sorority chapter I advise, finishing my training once I was able to, a busy budget season at work, and a multitude of other activities. Before I knew it, May was here and the Half Marathon along with it!

On May 6th I completed my first Half Marathon!  The day started out a little formidable when I woke at 5am to a massive thunderstorm hovering over Lincoln.  Sure enough however, by the time we drove down to the start, it had started to clear and the humidity fell and it actually ended up being an amazing day for the race! I did have to walk a little and didn't get the greatest time but I was delighted to finish!

Mom and I after my 2:47:55 finish!

With my cousin Jamie - one of my many inspirations to run the Lincoln Half - after stuffing ourselves silly post-race at Fireworks

In June I basically fell off the running wagon between various trips, a wedding, house guests and everything else.  I did however get an awesome visit with my sister and her family at our Grandparents in Colorado.  Including my handsome nephew.
I also had the privilege of taking seven of my collegiate members of my sorority chapter here on campus to our national convention in Denver.  It was a phenomenal experience and I am so proud of the women who represented our chapter!

So that brings us to July and a torrent of wedding activity - more on that later! It's so hard to believe that 2012 is half over already - it will be Christmas before we know it - especially since Hobby Lobby already has Christmas decorations out (not kidding!).

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